Saturday 15 April 2017

This solar-powered device harvests water from dry air - CNET

A Scientist from Berkeley University discovered an innovative device which can produce water from dry air. The machine can produce water from dry air utilizing the solar power. This professor invented a solar powered device which can suck water from the dry air and store it for further usages. The device uses metal organic frame works to produce water from dry air. The main components of metal organic frame works are made up of metal ions in minerals and organic units. The metal ions and organic are linked together and work like a frame work. Only the air need 30% humidity to produce enough water from the dry air. Main attraction is that the device works with Solar power.

A small, solar-powered device that pulls fresh water from the air? Scientists at MIT and UC Berkeley have created a prototype that does just that and it only requires 20-30 percent humidity to work.

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